Student Video: Circle and Square

Circle and Square are very different! But who says they can’t be friends? Our “Circle and Square” poetry video serves as an engaging introduction to geometry and 2D figures. Additionally, as a poem-for-two-voices, it begs to be performed by students!







 Styrofoam Shape Geoboard Activity

Styrofoam is the foundation for this DYI activity! Set up various shapes using cookie cutters and nails. Then let your little engineers create squares, rectangles, hexagons, diamonds, polygons, and circles with colored looms. How many shapes can they make?

  Shapes are Everywhere!

Give your students a scavenger hunt sheet. Let them search for and list examples of 2D and 3D shapes that they find in indoors or outdoors. 

 Phases of the Moon

Why does the moon look different at different times? In this astronomy-and-art activity, students manipulate various shapes—circles, semi-circles, and crescents— as they learn about the various phases of the moon.

   Rectangles, Rhombuses, and Squares—Oh My!

Let’s play Bingo! This game aims to enhance students’ recognition of quadrilaterals and boost their understanding of the shape’s characteristics and vocabulary. Download PDF free at 

   What Shape is This?  

This match-up activity is a fun way to introduce students to various shapes: circle, square, triangle and rectangle. Add more shapes for older students! Details at 



Circle and Square Card Game

Quick thinking is required for this game of giggles and learning fun! Print cards and trim as directed. Stack and place face down. Have the child flip a card to reveal the face. The child must then place his fist on the circle shape and say “CIRCLE!” and also place his palm on the square shape and say, “SQUARE!” For multiple players, print more cards and take turns around the table. Return used cards to the bottom of the stack.