Student Video: Who’s in a Hurry?
What is the fastest animal on land? The fastest in the air? “Who’s in a Hurry?” takes young viewers around the world to identify and compare the the top speeds of a dozen wild creatures.
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GRADE LEVEL:Middle Grade |
Wiggle, Giggle, Swing, Fly, Jump!
Build vocabulary, listening skills, motor skills and social skills with this group game! Have students take turns rolling the dice, naming the animals, reading the sentences, and moving like that animal (crawl hop, stretch, etc.) Find more ways to play at
Fast-and-Slow Challenges for All Ages!
This educational site offers a variety of fast-and-slow online games younger students. It also features advanced challenges for older students on the topics of fast-and-slow changes in geology, weather, natural disasters, and more.
Animal Movement Match-Up Game
This activity will help students identify various ways animals move. Ask students to cut animals from magazines that feature each type of movement: running, walking, flying, swimming, hopping, and jumping. Obtain six poster boards and title them as: 1. run 2. walk, 3. fly, 4. swim, 5. hop and 6. jump. Ask students to tape pictures to the appropriate chart. Display posters as wall art!
What Have We Learned?
How familiar are your students with animals and the ways in which they move? What have they learned about their various speeds? As a review, print out this chart, one per student, and ask them to write down the names of animals in the corresponding column and identify the fastest and slowest in each group.
Tortoise and Hare Stick Puppets
Read Aesop's classic tale, "The Tortoise and the Hare," with your students and have them create this fun craft. Ask students to retell the story to family and friends using their new Tortoise and Hare stick puppets! To download free PDF, click CRAFT tab.